
CHRYSO and Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies, partners in the development of ultra-low carbon concrete, by deploying CHRYSO®EnviroMix, a tailor-made admixture dedicated to the use of H-UKR cement.

25 October 24

CHRYSO (Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals) announces the development of a solution for the use of ultra-low carbon concrete, based on the new admixture CHRYSO®EnviroMix ULC 5500, specially designed for H-UKR type cement by Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies.


New cements for Ultra Low Carbon concrete: in phase with sustainable construction

After a first successful co-development on the H-EVA technology (0% clinker decarbonized clay concrete) with Bouygues Construction, the CHRYSO and Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies R&D teams have again collaborated on the development of ultra-low carbon concrete, with the elaboration of an admixture dedicated to the use of the H-UKR cement developed by Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies.

Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies’ H-UKR low carbon cement is also formulated with 0% clinker. It is made up of 80% alkali-activated slag, a waste product composed of iron ore impurities from the steel industry. With a carbon content of 252 kgCO2 eq/tonne, H-UKR cement has a 3.5 times smaller carbon footprint than traditional cement (e.g., Portland).

The admixture solution from the CHRYSO®EnviroMix range for H-UKR cement: for an ultra-low carbon concrete

An innovation dedicated to ultra-low carbon (ULC) concrete combines the new admixture CHRYSO®EnviroMix ULC 5500 with Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies’ 0% clinker cement H-UKR.
The admixture solution is specifically adapted to the use of H-UKR cement, to produce an Ultra-Low Carbon (ULC) concrete with a 50% reduced CO2 footprint.
To design CHRYSO®EnviroMix ULC 5500, the joint R&D teams provided answers to the technical challenges of producing a high-performance concrete with a clinker-free cement.

“Chryso responded by mobilizing its R&D teams to develop admixture systems specific to Hoffmann’s clinker-free cement technologies. Laboratory tests at Chryso and Hoffmann and then on site to validate the solutions on a scale of 1 were carried out, leading to the development of a new product called EnviroMix®ULC 5500. It is a plasticizer-type concrete admixture dedicated to H-UKR technology that improves the rheology of H-UKR cement-based concretes, particularly in hot weather, but also reduces the thixotropy of the concrete, making it easier to use,”, explains Barbara LE RUNIGO – Technical and Concrete Applications Manager at Hoffmann Green Technologies.

This “ULC” solution, which has a CO2 footprint of 110 to 140 kgCO2 eq/m3 depending on the type of concrete, represents a significant step forward in the field of sustainable construction, with the technical performance of this new concrete being maintained and adapted to current construction methods. In a high-stakes low-carbon concrete market, CHRYSO thus reaffirms its position as technological leader.

“With such a specific cement, the search for a compromise between workability and early strength was a real challenge for our central R&D laboratory with Hoffmann’s teams. In addition, the need for robustness that would allow for year-round operation and a variety of manufacturing processes was an important component. To meet this need, we implemented a new scientific approach to concrete admixture, both in terms of the test methods and the chemicals used. The resulting product is a departure from our traditional offerings and the feedback from the first worksites on which it is used is very positive. CHRYSO®EnviroMix ULC 5500 will help concrete manufacturing partners using H-UKR cement to deploy this Ultra Low Carbon solution on a large scale. This offers new perspectives on the sustainable construction market, and more generally, the increase of our R&D expertise in this field will allow us to reinforce our contribution to the decarbonization of construction”, says Romain DELPONT, Market Manager for ready-mix concrete at CHRYSO.

CHRYSO and Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies, partners in the development of ultra-low carbon concrete, by deploying CHRYSO®EnviroMix, a tailor-made admixture dedicated to the use of H-UKR cement.

About Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals

Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals offers cement additives, concrete admixtures and specialty building materials, through the combined activities of Chryso and GCP. Its recent technologies for sustainable construction help reduce energy consumption, lower the carbon footprint of cements and concrete, and foster the circular economy. Leveraging its global manufacturing presence, Saint-Gobain Construction Chemicals serves its customers through local sites in over 40 countries, employing over 2,700 people.

About Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies

Founded in 2014 and based in Bournezeau (Vendée, Western France), Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies designs, produces and distributes innovative extremely low-carbon cements – with a carbon footprint 6 times lower than traditional cement – that present, at equivalent dosage and with no alteration to the concrete manufacturing process, superior performances than traditional cement.

With one 4.0 industrial site supplied by a park of solar trackers and two new sites on the way, the Group has industrialized a genuine technological breakthrough based on alterations to cement’s composition and the creation of a heating-free, clinker-free and low energy consumption manufacturing process making it a leading and unique player on a cement market that has not undergone any significant changes in the last 200 years.

Within the context of the climate emergency and energy price inflation, Hoffmann Green Cement is thus actively participating in the energy transition by producing a clean cement that consumes 10 to 15 times less energy than a Portland cement, by working to create eco-responsible buildings and by encouraging the circular economy and the preservation of natural resources. Thanks to its unrivaled technological know-how that is constantly improving, driven by effective and cutting-edge teams, Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies addresses all construction sector markets, both in France and abroad.


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