

Water reducing Plasticizing admixture


CHRYSO® Omega 141 is a new generation water reducing plasticiser, which allows optimisation of cement content in order to obtain a specific slump class. 

CHRYSO® Omega 141 has great flexibility: with a large dosage range it can be used in a great range of concretes, including low water cement ratio mixes, or to allow a jump in slump class without requiring additional cement. 

CHRYSO® Omega 141 can be used to produce high workability concretes without additional increase in mix water content.

Application areas

Types of Application

  • High consistence concrete
  • Ready mix concrete
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Pumped concrete


Compatibility with Cements

  • All types of cement
  • Pulverised fuel ash
  • Ground granulated blastfurnace slag


We recommend contacting our Technical Department for use with special cements.






  • Improved compaction.
  • Increased concrete strengths.
  • Improved production rates.
  • Cement optimisation without strength loss.
  • Wide range of applications.
  • Versatile dosage range.


  • Container of 1000L
  • 215 L Barrel
  • Bulk delivery on request