CHRYSO® Premia 548
for High Early Strength Concrete
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CHRYSO® Premia 548 is a new generation superplasticiser, based on modified polycarboxylate. Due to a specifically designed molecular structure, the admixture is particularly recommended for precast concrete that requires high early and long-term compressive strengths.
CHRYSO® Premia 548 facilitates the production of reduced viscosity concrete with extended initial consistence retention without affecting early age strength development.
These characteristics are particularly suited for extended transport and placement of concrete over large precast facilities.
CHRYSO® Premia 548 enables very low W/C ratios, with excellent tolerance to water addition, to be produced in the concrete at all levels of consistency. This is particularly suited to highly congested reinforcement and self-compacting concretes.
Application areas
Types of Application
- High, Very, & Ultra High Performance concretes
- High early strength
- Heavily reinforced precast units
- Prestressed concrete
- Plastic to fluid concretes
- Self-compacting concrete
Compatibility with Cements
- All types of cement
- Pulverised fuel ash
- Ground granulated blastfurnace slag
We recommend contacting our Technical Department for use with special cements.
- Extended consistance retention for internal handling.
- Low viscosity rheology.
- Improved compaction.
- Increased early age concrete strengths.
- Earlier demoulding times.
- Cement optimisation without strength loss.
- Robustness and tolerance to water addition.
- Container of 1000L
- 215 L Barrel