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CHRYSO® Optima 1300 is a new generation plasticiser based on modified polycarboxylate. Using the latest techniques in polycarboxylate technology, the admixture facilitates the production of low viscosity concrete with long workability retention, which is very much suited for the highest quality self -compacting concrete, and in the readymix concrete industry.
CHRYSO® Optima 1300 can provide concretes at all levels of consistence with extended working time and still achieve a water/cement ratio reduction.
These characteristics make this product particularly suited for pumping concrete over long distances.
CHRYSO® Optima 1300 is especially suited to onerous projects which may involve extended transport, handling and placement of concrete through several methods of conveyance to point of discharge. It will also provide excellent performance during periods of hot weather.
Application areas
Types of Application
- High, Very, & Ultra High Performance concretes
- Hot weather concreting
- Extended consistence retention
- Pumped concrete
- Plastic to fluid concretes
- Highly reinforced structures
Compatibility with Cements
- All types of cement
- Pulverised fuel ash
- Ground granulated blastfurnace slag
- Increased consistence retention for transport.
- Excellent homogenity for pumping.
- Low viscosity rheology.
- Improved compaction.
- Increased concrete strengths.
- Cement optimisation without strength loss.
- Robustness and tolerance to water addition.
- Container of 1000L
- 215 L Barrel
- Bulk delivery on request