A flexible solution that adapts to site specifications

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology is the new innovation from Chryso. This breakthrough technology is dedicated to the tailor-made design of new superplasticizers for large construction site applications and ready-mixed concrete.  

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 makes it possible to achieve and design high-level concrete performances: 

  • High workability of concrete 
  • Significant water reduction 
  • High pumpability 

Flexible and adaptable to the specifications of your different projects, CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology offers cost and performance optimization.

Up to 8 hours

Maintaining workability

200 meters

Vertical pumping

500 meters

horizontal pumping


water reduction




CHRYSO® Optima 1180 is a new generation superplasticiser, based on modified polycarboxylate. As a member of the Optima 1000 series of superplasticisers, increased consistence retention and low viscosity are key characteristics. This is particularly suited for extended transport and placement of concrete over large construction areas, long pumping distances, and precast facilities. CHRYSO® Optima 1180 enables very low W/C ratios, with excellent tolerance to water addition, to be produced in the concrete at all levels of consistency.


CHRYSO® Optima 1300 is a new generation plasticiser based on modified polycarboxylate. Using the latest techniques in polycarboxylate technology, the admixture facilitates the production of low viscosity concrete with long workability retention, which is very much suited for the highest quality self -compacting concrete, and in the readymix concrete industry. CHRYSO® Optima 1300 can provide concretes at all levels of consistence with extended working time and still achieve a water/cement ratio reduction.  These characteristics make this product particularly suited for pumping concrete over long distances. CHRYSO® Optima 1300 is especially suited to onerous projects which may involve extended transport, handling and placement of concrete through several methods of conveyance to point of discharge. It will also provide excellent performance during periods of hot weather.

Advantages of CHRYSO®Optima 1000 Technology


Excellent Pumpability

beyond 500 meters horizontally and 200 meters vertically

Great Water Reduction

up to 50%

Unmatched Workability Retention

3 to 8 hours of working time

Enhanced Compressive Strengths

excellent mechanical strength at early age and 28 days

Meet challenging project specifications

Chryso designs customed products according to your materials and specifications to meet expected performance:

  • Long distance pumpability
  • Long workability retention
  • Water reduction
  • Robustness
  • Cohesive concrete & easy placement

High pumping capacity

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology allows rapid pumping over a long distance beyond 500 meters horizontally and 200 meters vertically .

  • Logistical flexibility 
  • Shorter truck immobilization: more truck deliveries 
  • Longer equipment life 
  • Extended pumping distances with equivalent equipment

Long Workability Retention

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology offers workability of 3 to 8 hours to meet the needs of complex construction sites (dense urban areas, geographical distances, high temperatures). 

  • Obtaining a regular slump: easy quality control. 
  • Achievement of expected performances: 100% guarantee of concrete specifications 
  • Easy placement of concrete despite unforeseen construction site disruptions 
  • Increase of serviceable market reachable for the concrete plant

Robustness and achievement of high strength at an early age

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology offers excellent mechanical properties at an early age and at 28 days.

  • Optimization of mix design 
  • Reduction of production adjustments (aggregates, cement) 
  • Rapid achievement of target strength 
  • Facilitates the use of less reactive cementitious materials 
  • Optimum use of climbing formwork 
  • Stripping in all types of weather, even in winter

Tailor-made solutions to design ultra-high performance concrete

Increasingly complex construction sites require superior, tailor-made admixture technologies. 

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 concrete admixture technology, highly adjustable , meets the requirements of large construction projects. 

With its specially designed molecular structure, CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology allows concrete manufacturers to produce economical, cohesive, low viscosity and long-life concrete . 

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 provides concrete with high workability , while reducing the water/cement ratio. 

CHRYSO®Optima 1000 technology, an ultra-flexible solution which makes it possible to design with Chryso technical experts, a new generation of products to achieve high-performance concrete.


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