
CHRYSO® Quad 930

High range water reducing Super plasticizing admixture


CHRYSO® Quad 930 is a new generation high-range water reducing superplasticiser incorporating CHRYSO innovative CLEAR Technology. This admixture results from our expertise in hybrid polymer technology using our most recent knowledge of the synthesis of molecules.


CHRYSO® Quad 930 has been specifically formulated to be used effectively in mixes containing clay and silt contaminated aggregates, and also finely graded aggregate leading to cement reductions. This can also open opportunities for previously unusable materials.

CHRYSO® Quad 930 can be used to produce high workability concretes without additional increase in mix water content. It can be used in a great range of concretes, including low water cement ratio mixes, or to allow an increase in slump class without requiring additional cement. 

Application areas

Types of Application

  • Clay/silt contaminated aggregates
  • High fineness gradings
  • High consistence concrete
  • Ready mix concrete
  • Reinforced concrete
  • Pumped concrete


Compatibility with Cements

  • All types of cement
  • Pulverised fuel ash
  • Ground granulated blastfurnace slag 


We recommend contacting our Technical Department for use with special cements such as White Cement.


  • Use of clay/silt contaminated aggregates
  • Cement optimisation without strength loss
  • Improved concrete rheology
  • Improved compaction
  • Increased concrete strengths
  • Wide range of applications


  • Container of 1000L
  • 215 L Barrel
  • Bulk delivery on request