Promoting the Circular Economy: Advancing Aggregate Supply

The use of a broader range of sands, including complex sands, optimizes local resources, reduces supply costs, and lowers the carbon footprint.

With CHRYSO®Quad, Chryso expands the scope of incorporating complex aggregates into concrete formulations. This enables the use of locally sourced aggregates and/or materials recovered from demolition sites while maintaining the technical performance of the concrete.


of materials that support the circular economy


of mix designs tailored to local quarry resources


of aggregates recovered from demolition projects


of concrete quality and performance standards
Complex Aggregates: Impact on Concrete Performance and Workability

Lack of Fines

  • Compactness – Porosity
  • Rheology – Bleeding, pumpability issues

Excess Fines

  • Increased water/admixture demand
  • Rheology – Pumpability and workability challenges
  • Productivity – Increased mixing time

Sand Shape

  • Water/admixture demand
  • Rheology – Pumpability and workability
  • Workability retention
  • Productivity – Increased mixing time

Swelling Clays

  • Water/admixture demand
  • Rheology – Pumpability and workability
  • Workability retention
  • Productivity – Increased mixing time

Step into the sustainable loop of the circular economy.

Implementing a circular economy approach by using locally sourced aggregates or those recovered from deconstruction projects is a key driver for advancing sustainable construction.

The CHRYSO®Quad range and dedicated services enable the optimisation of production costs while enhancing the quality and performance of concrete made with complex aggregates.

Associated services

Analysis of your sands

With CHRYSO®Clear Test, a unique, patented tool developed by Chryso, we can quickly detect the presence of swelling clays in sands. The test can be conducted either on-site or in a laboratory, providing immediate and precise results.


Chryso has developed the CHRYSO®Quad Lab App, a new application designed to analyze alternative supply sources near your concrete production site and identify the most suitable admixture solution.


Complex aggregates and circular economy


CHRYSO® Quad 560 is a new generation water reducing plasticiser incorporating CHRYSO innovative Quad GRAFT Technology. This admixture results from our expertise in hybrid polymer technology using our most recent knowledge of the synthesis of molecules.   CHRYSO® Quad 560 has been specifically formulated to provide rheology improvement in mixes containing manufactured sands, and crushed fine aggregate. It will also perform well with gap-graded aggregates and marine sands. This can lead to cement reductions and open up opportunities for previously unusable aggregates. CHRYSO® Quad 560 has great flexibility with a large dosage range. It can be used in a great range of concretes, including low water cement ratio mixes, or to allow an increase in slump class without requiring additional cement.   CHRYSO® Quad 560 can be used to produce high workability concretes without additional increase in mix water content.
Complex aggregates and circular economy


CHRYSO® Quad 420 is a new generation set water reducing plasticiser incorporating CHRYSO’s innovation, Quad technology. This admixture results from our expertise in hybrid polymer technology. This chemistry required our most recent knowledge of the synthesis of molecules to provide: a wide dosage range a high-water reduction slump retention homogeneous concrete CHRYSO® Quad 420 is particularly suited for ready-mix concrete manufactured with high water demand aggregates.   CHRYSO® Quad 420 can be used in conjunction with other CHRYSO® ranges including CHRYSO® Air, CHRYSO® Omega and CHRYSO® Optima.  
Complex aggregates and circular economy


CHRYSO® Quad 890 is a new generation mid-range water reducing plasticiser incorporating CHRYSO innovative Quad CLEAR Technology. This admixture results from our expertise in hybrid polymer technology using our most recent knowledge of the synthesis of molecules.   CHRYSO® Quad 890 has been specifically formulated to provide admixture efficiency in mixes containing aggregates contaminated with high levels of clay or silt, manufactured sands, and crushed fine aggregate leading to cement reductions.  This can also open opportunities for previously unusable materials. The product is also robust to changes in cement chemistry.   CHRYSO® Quad 890 has great flexibility with a large dosage range. It can be used in a great range of concretes, including low water cement ratio mixes, or to allow an increase in slump class without requiring additional cement, or high workability concretes without additional increase in mix water content.
Complex aggregates and circular economy

CHRYSO® Quad 930

CHRYSO® Quad 930 is a new generation high-range water reducing superplasticiser incorporating CHRYSO innovative CLEAR Technology. This admixture results from our expertise in hybrid polymer technology using our most recent knowledge of the synthesis of molecules.   CHRYSO® Quad 930 has been specifically formulated to be used effectively in mixes containing clay and silt contaminated aggregates, and also finely graded aggregate leading to cement reductions. This can also open opportunities for previously unusable materials. CHRYSO® Quad 930 can be used to produce high workability concretes without additional increase in mix water content. It can be used in a great range of concretes, including low water cement ratio mixes, or to allow an increase in slump class without requiring additional cement. 

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